Lunds universitets forskningsoutput, det vill säga artiklar, avhandlingar, konferensbidrag, rapporter och så vidare, registreras och samlas i databasen LUCRIS och blir synliga i Forskningsportalen.


Där hittar du en kortare lathund för att komma igång med LUCRIS, filmade instruktioner, utförligare manualer samt LUCRIS riktlinjer för inläggning och indelning. Har du frågor och funderingar kan du alltid kontakta oss på forskningsstod se.

Just in time for RQ20's Report Launch Webinar tomorrow (which we hope you have registered for — if not klick here and register!) the report is now accessible via LUCRIS. To view or download the report, please klick here. In the making of this report there are particularly two colleagues we wish to highlight. That LUCRIS / Converis GSM. LUCRIS GSM is a registration and monitoring system for PhD candidates. GSM stands for "Graduate School Management", and LUCRIS GSM should not be confused with LUCRIS PM (Publication Module). With the LUCRIS GSM module, all information concerning PhD candidates is stored in a uniform way and made accessible in one place. LU’s Research portal.

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Denna information kan hittas i Lunds universitets forskningsportal och användas av kollegor såväl inom som utanför LUCRIS, Lund University Current Research Information System, is Lund University’s new current research information system, where you will be able to input information about yourself, projects, publications and activities.They will all of which will be searchable in a the common research portal that presents research from the entire Lund University. LUCRIS and LU Research Portal. Denna sida på svenska. Lund University’s research output, for example articles, doctoral theses, conference papers, and reports, are collected in the LUCRIS research information system. In many cases, researchers can make their work freely accessible in full text.

LUCRIS / Converis GSM LUCRIS GSM is a registration and monitoring system for PhD candidates. GSM stands for "Graduate School Management", and LUCRIS GSM should not be confused with LUCRIS PM (Publication Module). With the LUCRIS GSM module, all information concerning PhD candidates is stored in a uniform way and made accessible in one place.

It is optional. LUCRIS / Converis GSM. LUCRIS GSM is a registration and monitoring system for PhD candidates. GSM stands for "Graduate School Management", and LUCRIS GSM should not be confused with LUCRIS PM (Publication Module).

Lund University’s joint research information system, LUCRIS (Lund University Current Research Information System) opened in spring of 2016. LUCRIS consists of a user interface for the input and management of information, as well as a public portal in which all research conducted at LU is presented. LUCRIS replaced

Updated 202 0-08-24 If you are a doctoral or licentiate student at LU, you use LUCRIS to register your research output, activities etc., as well as register a … Lu LU’s Research portal. You can then choose to export information from LUCRIS to your ORCID profile. This means that you do not have to manually update your ORCID profile with new publications as long as you add them to LUCRIS. The connection ORCID – LUCAT and LUCRIS – ORCID is something that you as a researcher switch on. It is optional.

LUCRIS / Converis GSM LUCRIS GSM is a registration and monitoring system for PhD candidates. GSM stands for "Graduate School Management", and LUCRIS GSM should not be confused with LUCRIS PM (Publication Module). With the LUCRIS GSM module, all information concerning PhD candidates is stored in a uniform way and made accessible in one place. LUCRIS, Lund University Current Research Information System, is Lund University’s new current research information system, where you will be able to input information about yourself, projects, publications and activities. They will all of which will be searchable in a the common research portal that presents research from the entire Lund University. LUCRIS (Lund University Current Research Information System) and the LU research portal form together the university’s research information system. Their purpose is to communicate LU’s research to both internal and external parties.
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It is optional. Researchers at Lund University are required to register their scholarly publications in the research information system LUCRIS. The University’s publishing policy recommends that, when possible, the full text be freely accessible (open access), either through publication in an open access journal or in a journal which allows self-archiving. The latter means that the researcher personally If you have signed an agreement with a publisher.
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Forskningsportal LUCRIS Hitta forskare, forskningsoutput (t ex publikationer) och projekt via Lunds universitets forskningsportal LUCRIS: Forskningsportalen Sidansvarig: Susanne.Gustafsson se | 2017-10-10

LUCRIS is replacing LUP (Lund University Publications) as the registration interface LUCRIS allows you to add different types of activities (scholarly as well as outside of academia), projects and publications. By adding information to the database, different aspects of your research will be visualized in the Research Portal.

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Lund University. Zweryfikowany adres z Comparative psychology Cognitive psychologyCognitive science. PraceCytowane przezDostęp publiczny  

Hur man organiserat granskningen av publikationer på de olika fakulteterna varierar men via det professionella medarbetarnätverket "LUCRIS"( Forskningsportal LUCRIS Hitta forskare, forskningsoutput (t ex publikationer) och projekt via Lunds universitets forskningsportal LUCRIS: Forskningsportalen Sidansvarig: alexander.maurits se | 2017-10-06 LUCRIS består av ett användargränssnitt för inmatning och hantering av information, samt en publik portal för en samlad visning av den forskning som bedrivs vid LU. LUCRIS ersatte det forskningsredovisningssystem som drevs i HT:s regi och stängdes under vårterminen 2018. Samtliga LV-medarbetare med LUCAT-id kan logga in i LUCRIS LUCRIS (Lund University Current Research Information System) är ett forskningsinformationssystem som syftar till att registrera forskningspublikationer, projekt, samarbeten och andra forskningsrelaterade aktiviteter. Som forskare ansvarar du själv för att hålla din information i LUCRIS aktuell. Detta inkluderar bland annat presentation av din forskning, uppdaterad publikationslista Logga in: LUCRIS.